Privacy Policy

We at deeply value your privacy. Therefore, we use all necessary measures to ensure your privacy remains intact. In other words, we will not misuse, sell, or share the details you provide to us with other third parties.

To help you understand how we handle your information, read our Privacy Policy. And if you have any questions related to this topic, you can always contact us and ask for an explanation.

What Information Do We Collect

When you visit, you consent to share certain personal information with us according to our Privacy Policy. For example, if you sign up for our newsletter or contact us directly, you will share your email address, name or username with us.
We may ask you to provide personal details while using our website to identify or contact you. If this is the case, you may be asked to fill out the contact form and submit your details.

Still, there are other non-personal details you reveal when visiting our website. These include:

It’s worth noting that some analytics tools or plugins may track the location from which you are visiting the site, the pages you have loaded, and so on. However, we will not reveal or mishandle such details in any way. They may be used only for analyzing the website’s performance. Moreover, the non-personal data are never linked back to you as an individual.

How Do We Use the Collected Information

We may collect data such as names, emails, or other information with one purpose only – to understand your needs better and provide the best possible service. Our main goal is to make your experience with Pokie Machines enjoyable and worthwhile. Therefore, the information we get from you is used solely to optimize your experience and personalize the content to meet your preferences.

To clarify, we may use the collected personal details to run marketing and promotional campaigns and provide you with personalized offers and news.

How Long Do We Keep the Collected Information

We keep the personal information you shared with us for a limited time period. More precisely, we store these details until we fulfil the purpose for which the data were collected. Personal data may be kept longer according to the applicable law.

What Rights Do You Have

You are free to ask us to delete all the data and close your account if you have one. In this case, we will erase all personal information you have provided to us, except data we are obliged to keep for security or legal purposes.

How Do We Keep Your Data Safe utilizes all the necessary digital and physical measures to ensure your sensitive information is safe and secure. This way, we protect the data from abuse, alteration or loss.

Embedded Content from Other Websites may use embedded content from other third-party websites, such as images, videos, or articles.

In that case, this content acts the same way as if you have visited the other website. It means that these websites may also collect data about you and use cookies or other third-party tracking tools. In other words, these websites may monitor your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account with that website.

Consequently, cannot be responsible for the actions taken by third-party websites whose content is embedded into our website. We advise you to read the Privacy Policy of the third-party website you are interacting with.

Changes and Updates to This Privacy Policy

Remember that we can change or update our Privacy Policy without prior notice. However, we will not hide anything from you, so you can always visit this page to see if something is different or contact us if you have any doubts or concerns.